Monday, May 1, 2023

NaPoWriMo 2023 Recap

Well, I completed my first NaPoWriMo experience. It was just alright. I've come to find out I don't like prompts, and there's way too many normies in the online poetry community for my tastes. I like having more broken, alcoholic, weirdos around me. It makes me feel more comfortable. A lot of the poems I read were just too mundane, too regular. I guess it comes from growing up a hardcore punk rock kid in the 80s. I grew up screaming about Reagan, not talking about mountains, or flowers, or the sky. I'll probably do NaPoWriMo again next year. I don't really need a poetry month to make me write everyday, I write everyday anyways. I'll keep the blog up. I'll figure out a schedule when to post my writings. Maybe twice a week, I don't know. Thanks to anyone who read my poetry, it was real.
