Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Paper and Pen - NaPoWriMo Day 12

 Paper and Pen
     by Vito del Valle

I sit at my table and take out a piece of paper and a pen.

"What will you write about today?" the paper asked.

"Will it rhyme or will it be free verse?" the pen added

"I'm not sure yet," my mind replied.

"Make it dark and brooding, make it perverse," the paper said.

"He always writes like that. Let him write something different for once," the pen said to the paper.

"I think I'll write about regret," my mind said.

"Another one of those, huh. Well, let's get to it," the paper said.

"Let's do this!" the pen screamed.

"Ok, ok, but fist I need a drink," my mind said.

Note: On prompt I guess. Short because I got a song on my mind and I feel like working on that today. Holy crap, had to edit. I forgot how to write dialogue, lol... Poem #99 for the year.

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